Check Total Dismissed Active Translated
Starting spaces 8 0 8 3
볼드 태그 27 0 27 27
Double space 83 2 81 81
Trailing colon 12 10 2 2
Trailing ellipsis 3 2 1 1
Trailing exclamation mark 73 44 29 29
Trailing newline 2 0 2 2
Trailing question mark 312 176 136 134
Trailing semicolon 4 0 4 4
Trailing space 7 0 7 7
Trailing stop 1,045 660 385 384
이탤릭 태그 3 0 3 3
한글 맞춤법 검사 2,210 37 2,173 2,165
Mismatching line breaks 54 35 19 15
Python brace format 5 5 0 0
Zero-width space 1 1 0 0


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The checks can help you identify problematic translations or source strings which are hard to translate.