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Translation reverted

Wasteland 3 / DialogueEnglish

"What have you heard about Ludlow, the security chief? Or the woman leading the workers, Salene Crow?"
"보안 책임자, 칼 러들로에 대해 들은 바가 있습니까? 혹은 노동자들을 이끌고 있는 설린 크로우는요What have you heard about Ludlow, the security chief? Or the woman leading the workers, Salene Crow?"
2 years ago

Translation reverted

Wasteland 3 / DialogueEnglish

"Open the store. We need to re-up."
"가게 좀 다시 여시죠. 재정비 좀 해야겠습니다Open the store. We need to re-up."
2 years ago

Translation reverted

Wasteland 3 / DialogueEnglish

"No worries. Just... watch yourself. They're... right outside."
"걱정 마. 그냥... 조심해. 그놈들은... 나가면 바로 있으니까No worries. Just... watch yourself. They're... right outside."
2 years ago

Translation reverted

Wasteland 3 / DialogueEnglish

"Oh yeah! Guts everywhere!"
"바로 이거지! 내장 천지Oh yeah! Guts everywhere!"
2 years ago

Translation reverted

Wasteland 3 / DialogueEnglish

"There's a grave near here that says, 'He took everything, so I chose nothing.' Who's buried in it?"
"근처에 무덤이 하나 있더군요. 묘비에 적히기를 '그가 전부 가져갔으니 나는 허무를 선택했다.' 라고 적혀있던데, 누가 묻혀있는지 아십니까There's a grave near here that says, 'He took everything, so I chose nothing.' Who's buried in it?"
2 years ago

Translation reverted

Wasteland 3 / DialogueEnglish

"Good to see you gettin' shit done, November. I'll radio HQ and get them to send us some transport. See you there!"
"너희가 이 짓거리를 끝낸 걸 보니 마음이 놓인다, 노벰버. 본부에 연락해서 수송 차량을 보내달라고 하겠네. 거기서 만나지Good to see you gettin' shit done, November. I'll radio HQ and get them to send us some transport. See you there!"
2 years ago

Translation reverted

Wasteland 3 / DialogueEnglish

"I've got years left to make that decision, Rangers. And I'm certainly not going to make it while all this is going on."
"그걸 결정할 시간은 차고 넘쳐, 레인저. 그리고 상황이 마무리되지 않는 한 그런 고민은 할 생각 없네I've got years left to make that decision, Rangers. And I'm certainly not going to make it while all this is going on."
2 years ago

Translation reverted

Wasteland 3 / DialogueEnglish

"Got that little care package you sent me - the rebel girl with the bad attitude. Never heard such a foul mouth on a young lady. I put her in my favorite pillory to cool down. Much obliged, Rangers."
"그대들이 보내온 선물은 잘 받았어. 반역을 저지른 그 소녀, 태도가 상당히 나쁘더군. 그렇게 어린 아가씨 입에서 그리 험한 말을 듣게 될 줄이야. 일단 열 좀 식히라고 내 가장 아끼는 형틀에 끼워뒀어. 깊은 감사를 표하지, 레인저Got that little care package you sent me - the rebel girl with the bad attitude. Never heard such a foul mouth on a young lady. I put her in my favorite pillory to cool down. Much obliged, Rangers."
2 years ago

Translation reverted

Wasteland 3 / DialogueEnglish

"This shit-hole needs a strong, stable leader, and I'm stable as FUCK."
"이 똥통에는 딱 휘어잡고 이끌 힘센 지도자가 필요해. 휘어잡는 거 하면 또 씨발 나잖아This shit-hole needs a strong, stable leader, and I'm stable as FUCK."
2 years ago

Translation reverted

Wasteland 3 / DialogueEnglish

"You've done right by the Marshals so far, Rangers. If somebody new has to take charge, we'll back your play - as long as you don't do something stupid in the meantime. You lose our trust once, you don't get a second chance."
"레인저, 그대들이 여태 마샬에 도움이 많이 되기는 했지. 만약 누가 그 자리를 맡아야 한다, 하면 그대들의 뒤를 봐줄 의향이고. 단지, 그대들이 멍청한 짓을 하지 않았으면 해. 신뢰를 잃을 짓을 한다면, 다음 기회 따윈 없을 테니까You've done right by the Marshals so far, Rangers. If somebody new has to take charge, we'll back your play - as long as you don't do something stupid in the meantime. You lose our trust once, you don't get a second chance."
2 years ago
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