패치 다운로드 https://github.com/Akintos/pathfinder-translation/wiki/How-to-install

번역 디스코드 https://discord.gg/uqCukyD

Language Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
English This translation is used for source strings. This component is linked to the Pathfinder: Kingmaker/General repository. Translate
Korean This component is linked to the Pathfinder: Kingmaker/General repository. Translate
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Project website https://github.com/Akintos/pathfinder-translation
Translation process
  • Translations can be made directly.
  • Translation suggestions can be made.
  • Only chosen users can contribute.
  • The translation uses bilingual files.
Number of strings 790
Number of words 12,476
Number of characters 72,297
Number of languages 1
Number of source strings 790
Number of source words 12,476
Number of source characters 72,297

New alert

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / Feats

Could not update the repository. 2 years ago

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Pathfinder: Kingmaker / Feats

Broken project website URL 2 years ago

Committed changes

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / FeatsKorean

Committed changes 3 years ago

Translation changed

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / FeatsKorean

When an ally who also has this feat confirms a critical hit against an opponent that you also threaten, you can make an attack of opportunity against that opponent.
아군과 당신이 위협하는 상대방에게 아군이 치명타를 확정한 경우 당신도 그 상대방에게 기회 공격을 가할 수 있습니다.
*역자 주: 측면 포위와는 달리 원거리 치명타로는 기회 공격을 유발시킬 수 없습니다.
3 years ago

New alert

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / Feats

Broken project website URL 3 years ago

New alert

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / Feats

Could not push the repository. 3 years ago

New alert

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / Feats

Could not update the repository. 3 years ago

Committed changes

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / FeatsKorean

Committed changes 3 years ago

Translation changed

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / FeatsKorean

Your spells go farther than normal.
Benefit: You can alter a spell with a range of touch, close, or medium to increase its range by one range category, using the following order: touch, close, medium, and long.
Level Increase: +1 (A reach spell uses up a spell slot one level higher than the spell's actual level.)
Spells modified by this feat that require melee touch attacks instead require ranged touch attacks.
Spells that do not have a range of touch, close, or medium do not benefit from this feat.
주문을 보통보다 멀리 나가게 합니다.
이점: 접촉, 근처, 중간 사거리를 가진 주문을 변경하여 사거리 범주를 한 단계씩 (근처, 중간, 장거리로) 올릴 수 있습니다.
레벨 증가: +1. 신속거리 연장 주문은 원래 주문의 레벨보다 4 1단계 높은 주문 칸을 사용합니다.
이 특기로 사거리가 변경된 근접 접촉 공격 주문은 원거리 접촉 공격을 해야합니다.
접촉, 근접, 중간 사거리를 가진 주문이 아니면 이 특기의 효과를 받지 못합니다.
3 years ago

Committed changes

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / FeatsKorean

Committed changes 3 years ago
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