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Language Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
English This translation is used for source strings. This component is linked to the Pathfinder: Kingmaker/General repository. 4 Translate
Korean This component is linked to the Pathfinder: Kingmaker/General repository. 73 4 Translate
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Project website https://github.com/Akintos/pathfinder-translation
Translation process
  • Translations can be made directly.
  • Translation suggestions can be made.
  • Only chosen users can contribute.
  • The translation uses bilingual files.
Number of strings 4,492
Number of words 103,172
Number of characters 642,612
Number of languages 1
Number of source strings 4,492
Number of source words 103,172
Number of source characters 642,612

New alert

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / Kingdom

Could not update the repository. 2 years ago

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Pathfinder: Kingmaker / Kingdom

Broken project website URL 2 years ago

Committed changes

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / KingdomKorean

Committed changes 3 years ago

Translation changed

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / KingdomKorean

Despite a fierce round of negotiations and diplomacy, the Minister's agents failed to promote the interests of the kingdom and secure the {mf|King|Queen} leadership of in the Outlaw Council. Perhaps next year, with the benefit of experience, the {mf|King|Queen} will be able to secure the title.
한 차례의 격렬한 협상과 외교에도 불구하고, 장관의 요원들은 왕국의 이익을 증진하고 무법자 의회에서 {mf|왕|여왕}의 지도권을 확보하는 데 실패했습니다. 아마도 내년에는 이걸 경험삼아 {mf|왕|여왕}이 권위를 얻을 수도 있을 겁니다.
3 years ago

Translation changed

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / KingdomKorean

The Bald Hilltop has awakened again – and this time the locals are being assaulted not by common beasts, but by legendary magical monsters! Wyverns, owlbears and manticores, in a fit of fury, are ravaging the barony, led by a small number of particularly large and vicious beasts. Perhaps the invasion can be ended if their leaders are slain.
민둥 언덕마루가 또 다시 깨어났습니다. 이번에는 그저 그런 야수들이 아니라 전설에나 나오는 신비한 괴물들이 공격해오고 있습니다! 분노로 가득찬 와이번, 아울베어, 만티코어들을 이끌고 남작령을 유린하고 있습니다. 다른 괴물들보다 특히 크고 포악한 몇 마리의 괴수들이 그들을 이끌고 있습니다. 아마도 그 우두머리들을 처치한다면 침공을 멈출 수 있을 것입니다.
3 years ago

Committed changes

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / KingdomKorean

Committed changes 3 years ago

Translation changed

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / KingdomKorean

The advisor's servants arranged funeral services to commemorate the victims. The government pledged to rebuild the buildings that were destroyed, and promised the peasants significant funds for the future development of their settlement. The children of the victims will receive free education at the capital. The people are grateful that they weren't left to fend for themselves.
보좌관의 부하들은 피해자들을 추모하는 장례식을 마련했습니다. 정부는 파괴된 건물들을 재건하기로 약속했고, 농민들에게는 향후 재정착을 위해 상대한 양의 자금을 약속했습니다. 피해자의 아이들은 수도에서 무상으로 교육받게 될 것입니다. 사람들은 스스로의 힘으로 자활하도록 남겨자력으로 구제하라며 버려지지 않은 것에 감사하고 있습니다.
3 years ago

Committed changes

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / KingdomKorean

Committed changes 3 years ago

Translation changed

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / KingdomKorean

3 years ago

Translation changed

Pathfinder: Kingmaker / KingdomKorean

Our warriors failed to deal with the monsters. They swept across the countryside, killing many people.
전사들은 괴물을 처리하는 데 실패했습니다. 괴물들은 많은 사람들을 죽이며 교외를 휩쓸고 다녔습니다.
3 years ago
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