Component Translated Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
Codex This component is linked to the Dragon Age: Inquisition/UI repository. 17 65 40 Browse
Dialogue This component is linked to the Dragon Age: Inquisition/UI repository. 357 1,373 191 Browse
Equipment This component is linked to the Dragon Age: Inquisition/UI repository. 1 57 6 Browse
Journals This component is linked to the Dragon Age: Inquisition/UI repository. 4 126 18 Browse
Layouts This component is linked to the Dragon Age: Inquisition/UI repository. 2 67 15 Browse
Operations This component is linked to the Dragon Age: Inquisition/UI repository. 14 16 17 Browse
Party This component is linked to the Dragon Age: Inquisition/UI repository. 91 21 Browse
Remaining This component is linked to the Dragon Age: Inquisition/UI repository. 2 50 2 Browse
UI 6 115 3 Browse
Unknown This component is linked to the Dragon Age: Inquisition/UI repository. 8 318 13 Browse
Project website
Number of strings 89,239
Number of words 1,091,367
Number of characters 6,262,859
Number of languages 2
Number of source strings 89,239
Number of source words 1,091,367
Number of source characters 6,262,859
Language Translated Strings of total Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
Korean 411 2,278 326 Browse

Pushed changes

Dragon Age: Inquisition / UI

Pushed changes 4 days ago

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Dragon Age: Inquisition / UI

Pushed changes 4 days ago

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Dragon Age: Inquisition / DialogueKorean

Committed changes 4 days ago

Committed changes

Dragon Age: Inquisition / CodexKorean

Committed changes 4 days ago
No. I'd say some <i>ancient</i> Tevinter decided to alter time. I'm surprised it didn't go better.
그래. 아마 어느 <b>고대</b> 테빈터 양반이 시간을 조종하기로 작정했었겠지. 일이 꼬이는 건 당연한 수순이고.
5 days ago

Translation changed

Dragon Age: Inquisition / CodexKorean

{i}A series of disturbing diagrams is followed by a personal note:{/i}

Sarpedon would cast doubt on our work here. I expected no less; he is Baloren's man. If he thinks to deter me, he will not succeed. Who accomplished anything through such fretting and hesitance?

Let him be placated by his pointless precautions. If he wishes to question the validity of my theories, perhaps he should look more closely at his own.
{i}일련의 꺼림칙한 도식들 밑으로 개인적인 기록이 적혀 있다.{/i}

사르페돈이 이곳 작업에 대해 딴지를 걸 듯싶다. 그도 그럴 게 발로렌 쪽 녀석이까 말이지. 날 단념시킬 수 있다고 생각한다면 오산이다. 불안감과 망설임 따위에 휘둘려서야 뭘 이룰 수 있겠나?

계속 쓸데없는 조심성이나 부리며 직성 풀라지. 내 이론이 미덥지 않다고 생각되거든, 지 이론부터 꼼꼼히 살펴보는 게 어떨까 싶다.
5 days ago

Translation changed

Dragon Age: Inquisition / DialogueKorean

You saw the remains of Vir Dirthara. The library was intrinsically tied to the Fade, and the Veil destroyed it.
당신도 비어 덜사라의 잔해를 보았지요. 그 도서관은 본질적으로 영계에 묶인 것이고, 장막이 드리우자 파괴되었지요습니다.
6 days ago

Pushed changes

Dragon Age: Inquisition / UI

Pushed changes 6 days ago

Committed changes

Dragon Age: Inquisition / DialogueKorean

Committed changes 6 days ago

Translation changed

Dragon Age: Inquisition / DialogueKorean

I have to save him!
내가 솔라스를 구할 거야해야만 해요!
a week ago
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