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English This translation is used for source strings. This component is linked to the Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous/General repository. Translate
한국어 (기계번역) (ko_mt) This component is linked to the Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous/General repository. Translate
Korean This component is linked to the Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous/General repository. Translate
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Number of strings 1,033
Number of words 14,346
Number of characters 81,903
Number of languages 1
Number of source strings 1,033
Number of source words 14,346
Number of source characters 81,903
Committed changes 9 days ago
"As the saying goes, every family has a skeleton in its closet. In my case, all the skeletons are hidden in the cellar."
"사람들이 하는 말이, 어느 집에나 비밀은 있다는데. 제 경우에는, 비밀들은 전부 지하실에 숨겨져 있어요."
9 days ago
"I heard that the demons are gone from Drezen, that they're gone from the Worldwound altogether! Could it be peace at last, after all these years?"
"드레젠에서 데몬들이 사라졌다던데. 아예 세계상처에서 전부 사라져버렸다더군! 마침내, 평화가 찾아오는 걸까?"
9 days ago
"From one dark hole to another! Will there ever be an end to this?"
"어두운 구렁텅이에서 또 다른 구렁텅이로! 끝나긴 하는 걸까?"
9 days ago
"Look, there goes Nocticula's pet! How come {mf|he|she} gets all this praise?!"
"저기 좀 봐, 녹티큘라의 애완동물이다! 어떻게 저렇게 이쁨을 받는 걸까?"
9 days ago
"This boulder seems to be just waiting to roll down. I pity whoever's standing in its path when that happens."
"이 바위는 누가 밀어주기만을 바라는 것 같은데. 그 경로에 있을 녀석이 누구 유감을 표하지."
9 days ago
"Long live the champion of the Battlebliss! Gelderfang will tear everyone to pieces! Hail Gelderfang!"
"겔더팽은 누구지 도륙을 내버리지! 전투의 환희의 챔피언 만세! 겔더팽 만세!"
9 days ago
Committed changes 2 weeks ago
"Baphomet's demons walk into our homes as if they own us! Those bastards! But the Deskarites are even worse! Insolent assholes! It would be so nice to kick them all out!"
"바포메트의 데몬들이 마치 여기가 자기 집이라도 되는 것 마냥 들락거리잖아! 개자식들! 근데 데스카리 신도놈들은 더해! 무례한 개자식들! 전부 다 쫓아내버리고 싶어!"
2 weeks ago
"A few days ago, a bunch of tentacles crept out of the crap drain and dragged away a couple of drifters. Those bums screamed like they were being torn to pieces... We nearly laughed our heads off."
"며칠전에, 오물 배수구에서 촉수 몇 개가 기어나오더니, 근처에 있던 노숙자 몇 명을 끌고갔지. 녀석들, 꼭 완전히 찢겨져나가는 것 마냥 비명을 질러대던데... 진짜 미친듯이 웃었다니까."
2 weeks ago
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