Project website
Number of strings 105,143
Number of words 2,562,720
Number of characters 15,663,111
Number of languages 3
Number of source strings 105,143
Number of source words 2,562,720
Number of source characters 15,663,111
Language Translated Strings of total Untranslated Untranslated words Checks Suggestions Comments
한국어 (기계번역) (ko_mt) 0% Browse
Korean 91% 91% 9,227 227,766 175 392 175 Browse
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Committed changes

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous / BooksKorean

Committed changes 10 hours ago

Committed changes

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous / KingdomKorean

Committed changes 10 hours ago
Committed changes 10 hours ago

Committed changes

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous / QuestsKorean

Committed changes 10 hours ago

Committed changes

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous / DialogueKorean

Committed changes 10 hours ago

Committed changes

Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous / GeneralKorean

Committed changes 10 hours ago
"The place of each fallen demon will be immediately taken by a new one. That's why our only true chance to secure ultimate victory will emerge only after we exterminate all evil in the world. We must achieve a situation where not a single soul would voluntarily resort to evil deeds, when mortals themselves, by their own free will, turn to the light all at once. But no one in the universe knows how to achieve that. And many who have tried ended up as tyrants and false prophets. May Heaven guard me against such a fall."
"쓰러진 각 데몬의 자리는 즉시 새로운 데몬이 차지하겠지할 터. 그렇기에 우리가 세상의 모든 악을 근절해야만 궁극적인 승리를 확보할 수 있는 유일하고 진정한 기회가 나타날 걸세. 단 한 명의 영혼도 자발적으로 악행에 의지하지 않는 상황을 달성해야이뤄야 하며, 필멸자들 스스로가 자유 의지로 한꺼번에 빛으로 돌아서야 하네. 그러나 우주에서 아무도 그것을 달성하이루법을 모른다네. 그리고 시도한 많은 사람들이 결국 폭군이나 거짓 선지자가 되었지. 천상이 그러한 타락으로부터 나를 지켜 주기를 바라네."
12 hours ago
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